by admin | Apr 4, 2016
What are Clear Braces / Aligners? Clear Braces are a form of braces that offers the ability to move teeth into their desired position, using a tight fitting custom aligner. These aligners are changed every couple of weeks, and over the course of treatment the teeth...
by admin | Mar 10, 2016
Use of Mouth-Guards in Sports In previous studies it has been found that of all sports related injuries in a particular year 1/3 were estimated to be dental injuries.1 The ADA takes the approach to “recommend that athletes or active people of all ages use a...
by admin | Mar 7, 2016
Properties of Resin Composite (White Filling Material) What is Resin Composite Made of? Resin composite is a combination of chemically distinct materials with an interface separating the components. Resin usually consists of a matrix (bis-GMA, UDMA, and TEGDMA) and...
by admin | Feb 29, 2016
How Does the Mandible Grow and Change from Infancy to Adulthood? Mandibular Growth: Infancy & Early Childhood From birth to early childhood, the growth of the mandible undergoes many significant changes, until the time it is fully developed. The early development...
by admin | Feb 25, 2016
What are the different types of orthodontics arch wire materials? Stainless steel Since its introduction to orthodontics in the 1930’s, stainless steel (SS) arch wires have remained a popular choice in orthodontics; as they offer many advantages such as:...