Clear Braces – Clear Aligners

What are Clear Braces / Aligners? Clear Braces are a form of braces that offers the ability to move teeth into their desired position, using a tight fitting custom aligner. These aligners are changed every couple of weeks, and over the course of treatment the teeth...

Use of Mouth-Guards in Sports

Use of Mouth-Guards in Sports In previous studies it has been found that of all sports related injuries in a particular year 1/3 were estimated to be dental injuries.1 The ADA takes the approach to “recommend that athletes or active people of all ages use a...

What are White Fillings (Resin Composite) Made of? Mar 16

Properties of Resin Composite (White Filling Material) What is Resin Composite Made of? Resin composite is a combination of chemically distinct materials with an interface separating the components. Resin usually consists of a matrix (bis-GMA, UDMA, and TEGDMA) and...

The Growth of the Mandible Feb 16

How Does the Mandible Grow and Change from Infancy to Adulthood? Mandibular Growth: Infancy & Early Childhood From birth to early childhood, the growth of the mandible undergoes many significant changes, until the time it is fully developed. The early development...