Use of Mouth-Guards in Sports

In previous studies it has been found that of all sports related injuries in a particular year 1/3 were estimated to be dental injuries.The ADA takes the approach to “recommend that athletes or active people of all ages use a properly fitted mouth-guard in any sporting or recreational activity that may pose a risk of injury”.

How Do Mouth-Guards Help?

Mouth-guards are able to help by absorbing shock and separating the teeth from each other with a soft piece of rubber to limit chips and fractures. Further, the mouth-guard separates the teeth from the soft tissues to stop any biting or lip lacerations.



Quick Fact: The First Mouth-Guards

Did you know? Mouth-Guards were first routinely used in boxing in the early 1920’s.2


-> Custom made mouth-guards: offer the highest level of protection and greatest comfort. As the dentist is able to take a mold of the teeth and make a stone model to cast a very accurate and well fitting mouth-guard.

-> Boil and Bite mouth-guards: offer less protection against shock, may not fit as well; but have the advantage of being less costly.

We don’t want you to bear; just wear it! 

It has been reported that players have not worn their mouth-guard in the past, and thus do not provide the protection needed.
Reasons for not wearing a mouth-guard were; poor fit, discomfort, difficult breathing/talking ,and poor aesthetics. 3

Generally with these types of problems are more common with over the counter mouth-guards. Whereas, custom mouth-guards have the ability to have a better fit, no discomfort, little hindrance for breathing, ease of talking, various colors to choose from or clear for improved aesthetics.

If you wish for more information on mouth-guards or if you have a dental emergency please do not hesitate to contact Skygate Dental today on (07) 3114 1199 or 0406 579 197.


1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Promoting oral health: interventions for preventing dental caries, oral and pharyngeal cancers, and sports-related craniofacial injuries: a report on recommendations of the Task Force on Community Preventive Services. MMWR 2001;50(No.RR-21):1-13.
2. Reed RV Jr. Origin and early history of the dental mouthpiece. Br Dent J 1994;176(12):478-80.
3. Chapman PJ. Players’ attitudes to mouthguards and prevalence of orofacial injuries in the 1987 US rugby football team. Am J Sports Med 1989;17:690-1.