Free Dental For Eligible Children Provided By Medicare
Free Dental For Your Child Medicare
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule began on 1 January 2014, offering qualifying families up to $1,000 worth of basic dental treatment in any two calendar–year period for each child aged 2 to 17 years. There has been much discussion as of late, and because it has been found that the program has been under-utilized there is a chance it may be scrapped after the 2016 federal election.
The main aims of the program, which provides individual benefits for a range of dental services, including exams, cleaning, oral hygiene instructions, fissure sealants, X-rays, fillings, root canal therapy and extractions, is to keep your child’s dental health maintained at optimal levels.
Dental caries is the most prevalent health condition in Australia. Current data in children suggest that the correlation of incidence of (decayed, missing, filled, teeth) is not just leveling out, but may actually be increasing once again. Further, one of the most important conclusions emerging in the past 30 years to the present is the fact that the general population of children experiencing caries is decreasing or is even zero; however, the data indicates that the mean is still staying roughly constant around 1, which indicates that certain pockets of risk groups are still significantly affect by dental caries.
Skygate Dental Free Dental For Your Child Medicare
If you haven’t already taken advantage of the government’s Child Dental Benefits, we recommend you call to check your eligibility and that you schedule your child’s free dental check-up today.
If you wish for more information please do not hesitate to contact Skygate Dental today on (07) 3114 1199 or 0406 579 197.
Further information on the Child Dental Benefits Schedule is available at the Australian Government’s Department of Health website.